Subscribe To Our Ezine Newsletter


Ezine Newsletter Sign Up 

Date 1.12.2011

We are launching a new feature here at Bone-idle in the form of a Ezine. Whats an Ezine you ask? Well it’s quite simple its just a fancy email giving you just a taste of the great things on Bone-idle. These will include links to

New competitions as they go live.

The hottest Reviews

The biggest news

Any updates to Bone-idle.

The emails will not go out that often a maximum of once a week just so you don’t miss anything, but in reality it will be more like a fortnightly affair.

Signing up for the news letter has a few benifits.

1. You will automatically be entered into all further competitions for as long as you remain on the subscribers list.

2. You will get notices of special offers, like the upcoming Exclusive Beta just for Bone-idle readers.

3. You will get a nice reminder email with the best of Bone-idle for you to link to.

4. There will be some very special offers coming up that will be exclusively for subscribers.


Singing up could not be easier just fill out the form below and click the subscribe button and you are done.

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