Company of Heroes 2 Pre-Order Steam Offers : Beta access, Free Game, Free TF2 Hats and More!

Developer Relic Games

Publisher THQ

Platform PC

Release Date 2013 TBC

THQ have released details of the free goodies available when Pre-Ordering Company of Heroes 2, Steam have announced a three tier system. It is tied into the number of people who pre-order so the more people who sign up the better the gifts get.

Base offer : Pre-Order Company of Heroes 2 and get guaranteed access into the beta and two pattern for medium sized tanks (German Rotbraun and Russian Leningrad)

Level 1 : Once enough player have pre ordered the game Steam will unlock level 1 which includes everything in the base offer plus two free TF2 hats and badges.

  • German Cap and Badge
    This German Officer’s Cap and Badge tells the world you’re the ruthless commander of a juggernaut army and not to be trifled with!
  • Soviet Cap and Badge
    This Soviet Commander’s Cap and Badge lets everyone know you’ve led thousands of troops through some of the bloodiest battles on the Eastern Front of WW2, in style!
Level 2 : All the above plus a A Free copy of Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II: Retribution! If you already own it you can gift it to a friend.
Level 3 : Again everything listed above and you will also get the Company of Heroes 2 Commissar Chest which includes…

  • In-Game Currency Gift to be Used Towards Purchasing Future Content
  • XP Boost
  • Unit Boost
  • Commander Archetype


Pre-order now on Steam HERE


If you are interested in finding out more about the game read our hands on impressions HERE 








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