Game of Thrones Review

Developer Cyanide

Publisher Focus Home entertainment

Platform PS3, Xbox360

Release Date Out Now (8th June 2012)

Shortly after the end of Season 2 of the TV series and with my appetite for all things Westeros suitable wetted I set about taking on the Game of Thrones Video Game. What I found was a game that was pretty average holding a story that was as compelling as either the series of books or TV shows.



The story fits in nicely with the books and while it draws heavily on the books it does carve out its own brand new story lines to run along side the events depicted in the novels.

You get to experience two different characters Alester Sarwyck of Riverspring and Mors Westford of the North wall. Alester is returning home to take his place as the rightful heir to the Riverspring throne only to find his bastard brother has other ideas. Mors Westford has been placed in exile at the wall after disobeying the orders of Robert Baratheon (King from Series 1 of the TV show).



Although he now spend his time fending off wildlings he is still tasked with a new mission delivered by the hand of the king to head south and protect a mysterious woman.

Both characters are inherently good strong men of decent moral character although both have different philosophies and you are able to bend these personal characteristics throughout the game via the chat scene choices but bear in mind that you must live with the consequences of your actions.

The combat system is quite a simple system that is made over complicated by flooding you early on with an overload of information. The tutorial tries to fit everything in and it is quite daunting to try and take it all in but don’t worry too much as just playing the game is the best way to learn.



Visually the game struggles to keep up with the TV series which comes as no surprise looking at the massive budget given to each episode but it does leave the whole game wanting slightly and instead of letting you get lost in Westeros you do feel like you are playing a game.

It also falls down in terms of being a game that works it has been in production for quite a while but still the animation and sounds effects and music leave a lot to be desired and again it only serves to remind you that this is a game and stops you from getting lost in the compelling story.

Overall : Game of Thrones does a good job of keeping the player engaged and is a worthy addition to the series of books and TV episodes. I enjoyed that this was a new story within and old over arching story. It allows it to be both familiar yet new and interesting. As a game it is quite limited but should you have the patience to struggle through with it i am sure you will enjoy the over all experience.

SCORE 6.5/10


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