Irish Exclusive : First Look At Black Ops 2 Multiplayer.

Developer Treyarch

Publisher Activision

Platform PC, Console

Release Date Nov 2012

2012 is set to be another massive year for Call of Duty fans when the series jumps into its new futuristic setting with Black Ops 2 this November. So far Treyarch have been pretty quite on the multiplayer aspects of the game so far.

Game Design Director David Vonderhaar took a break from his busy Gamescom schedule to give us the low down on why Kill Streaks are dead, just what a Score Streak is. He also reveals two new game modes and introduces us to the new Pick 10 load out System and for the first time shows off what to expect with COD Casting.

The big change to multiplayer is the news that “Kill Streaks” are dead and have now been replaced with “Score Streaks”. So what’s a score streak? And how is that different from a Kill Streak?

Simply put score streaks are unlocked by scoring points without dying but rather than the old method of just getting kills you are now rewarded for all your positive gameplay.

How does it work? Previously players were rewarded with XP for every kill they made, flag they grabbed or base they captured, but it was only when you managed to notch up a number of consecutive kills without dying you would unlock a “Kill Streak”. This was great for players who played at a high level in the game. It’s flaw though is that it rewarded the lone wolf rather than the team player. To address this and get people playing as a team Treyarch have made the swap to “Score Streaks”.



Of course straight kills still net you score points but now team orientated objectives like capturing flags will also net you score points to help fill that meter and to unlock the new “Score Streaks”. You can even bump your score streak by combining events. As Dave explains grabbing a flag gets you 100 score points, and then killing someone while you have the flag will double the score you receive for that kill giving you 200 extra score points. Finally returning that flag to its base can notch up another 100 points and that quick scenario gains you 400 score points.

Now here is the cool bit you get to choose what the score streaks will be beforehand. There are 22 in total to choose from (from what we saw) each one carries a different value, maybe you die quite often and rarely get over the 500 mark. Then you simple choose your unlocks to be around the 500 or below mark ensuring you get to unlock your chosen unlocks. If you regularly score much higher in your streaks then you can choose the ones with higher points. It just gives some extra flexibility to customize the game to suit your play style.



The next big step is the “Pick 10 System” this is your load-out builder which has also been changed quite considerably you have 10 slots to use (these are highlight by ten blocks across the top of the screen) each item you add fills a block, each item you drop frees up a block. For example if you pick your rifle put a laser sight and a hand grip on it that’s 3 blocks. It is a simple system that allows you to quickly fill your load-outs to suit your style and the particular approach you want to take to the next upcoming battle.

It is hugely customizable too including the ability to drop your second weapon in favour of some extra free blocks, so if you never use that pistol but want an extra grenade or two then you can choose to drop the secondary weapon and use the blocks it frees up on any other items. David Vonderhaar wants to get across that this is a simple system that allows the player the most choice starting out. Players are able to choose whatever load out they want without getting stuck in bottle necks or having to follow a certain path to get certain items.

The wild cards are playable too, these will add an extra slot to one of your perks this is a random bonus for players, you might get lucky and grab and extra perk slot, this is to ensure even more variety in the games and ensure a good balance in the two teams.

You can still level up to 55 and prestige a number of times. Each time you level up you unlock a token this unlocks extra content and it’s not just one new item or perk each level there is a lot packed in to the game to ensure that there is more content than levels. Prestige is also included but rather than it just simply resetting your soldier there is content that is only unlockable by choosing to prestige.

Medals will also make a return, these are granted for things that are “cool” rather than things that get you score points. They will grant extra XP and are fully repeatable too offer more items to boost your score.



Some of the game modes mentioned included multi team, a 18 man battle made up of six teams with three players on each team.

Hardpoint is another new mode that sets a specific zone on the map that players can only score from. These tight little spaces are the only locations that you get points for kills so everyone is going to be trying to get in there. These are designed to be small tight and fast maps.

All the weapons featured in Black Ops 2 are “real life” in the sense that this is technology that exists and while not on the battle field right now it is very possible that this will be showing up in ten years’ time. Items that suppress soldiers using sonic waves, mobile mini tanks such as the A.G.R. which is remotely controlled, it drives on tracks and is equipped with a turret and rocket ensuring it really is a killing machine. Again all weapons have counters so nothing should be considered over powered or unstoppable.

The final big reveal was the built in E-Sports streaming and Black Ops is coming with its own E-Sport channel built in called COD Cast. All you need to join in and start broadcasting yourself is a USB camera and a decent upload limit.

Players can take part in the league play which balances the competition to keep the game fun at any level. New players hate being thrown into the pit with a high level players it’s just not fun but the league play balances that so you play according to your level depending on Rank, Wins and place ensuring everyone gets to enjoy the game online.

COD casting will see some big online personalities who will commentate on the live streams so you can sit back and watch the games taking place and just enjoy the show. Check out the multiplayer trailer below the last few seconds give you an idea of what the E-Sports COD cast will be like.





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