New Batman Arkham Origins Gamescom Screens and First Impressions From Our Hands On.

Developer Warner brothers Montreal

Publisher Warner Brothers

Platform PS3, Xbo360, Wii-U

Release Date Oct 25th 2013.  

bao_batmanmadhatterholdFresh from out meeting with Warner Brothers at Gamescom last week, we have some brand new screenshots for the upcoming title Batman: Arkham Origins.

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For those few that don’t know Origins is the third in the series of Batman games from Warner Brothers but this one is set about 5 years before the events of Arkham Asylum. On a cold Christmas Eve the evil villain Black Mask has placed a massive $50million bounty on the head of the Bat, and the top eight deadliest assassins are in town to collect on that promise.


Troy Baker who recently stared in Bioshock Infinite and The Last of Us will take over the role as The Joker, while Nolan North is back as the Penguin.  Other characters included in the roster are Bane, Deadshot and Firefly who make make up just a handful of the rest. Robin is a playable character in the Multiplayer mode but does not appear in the main story.


The game has some cool new gadgets for Batman to use, including a new ability to connect two objects together with the Batclaw. This can be used in two ways first to pull objects (including enemies) together. This can be used for example to catapult fire extinguishers off the wall into the heads of enemies or to drag enemies over railings. The other option is to set up a tightrope to use as an additional platform from which to launch extra attacks or to make your escape on.

For close combat Batman has some new shock gloves that allow him to deliver debilitating electric shocks to enemies as well as being able to now block attacks from electric prods. Not only does this allows him to attack enemies with shields but he can also short circuit electronics. You do need to charge these gloves but once charged you start dispatching enemies with ease.


With our hands on time we got to play as one of the new playable characters Deathstroke in the new game mode 1 Vs 100. This pits you as Deathstroke against 100 enemies who get increasingly difficult to beat. The combat was fluid and convincing. The short time with the game was enough to put any doubts people had about the change in studio to bed. Deathstroke is an optional character you can get via DLC.

The game will also feature a new multiplayer mode as mentioned a few weeks back that will pit The Joker (plus two henchmen) against Bane (plus two henchmen) Vs Batman and Robin in a 3 V 3 V2 scenario.

The game is out on October the 25th on all current gen consoles and so far looks every bit as good if not a bit better than what has gone before.


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