Start The Party Save The World Review


Publisher sony

Platform PS3 Move 

Release Date Nov 2011

Start the Party is a series of mini games within the one package. It has a quirky style to it and for the younger gamer gives endless hours of side splitting entertainment. Older gamers will be left wondering though.

For this title I had to draft in some help from a 5 year old, I had tried and tested Start the Party and while the controls work really well and I really enjoyed the characters I just couldn’t get a buzz out of playing it. Not a problem for my apprentice reviewer though.

Maybe life has made me cynical in my old age causing me to doubt this game but from the moment our tiny reviewer saw himself on screen he was transfixed by it and from all accounts its side splittingly, belly bustlingly funny.

To the technical stuff, Start the Party Save the world is a follow up to the Start the Party series of mini games that accompanied the launch of the Move and follows along the same lines. Dr. Terrible plans to take over the world and it’s up to you to stop him by taking part in one of the 20 the mini games like shooting lasers at aliens, drawing clouds under falling cavemen or catching overboard sailor.

Save the world is all about augmented reality, which sounds very technical and in fairness it is pretty technical too. The Move controller in your hand is transformed into a number of different objects on screen, a frying pan, a fishing rod, a paint brush etc etc.

Overall : Sadly for this game it’s not aimed at guys in their thirties, but thankfully for my sidekick it is aimed at the five year olds. While it all plays quite well and looks pretty funny mini games just don’t float my boat, but then again it’s not a game for me.

Kids will get a lot more out of it, even families whose parents perhaps are not too up to date with the latest Playstation game will still figure this out in a few seconds and it is something that parents off all skill levels will enjoy with their kids.


My score 5/10

Sidekicks score 9/10

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