Grey Goo Collector’s Edition Review

Developer Petroglyph Games

Publisher UIG Entertainment & Grey Box

Platform PC

Release Date Out Now

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First released at the start of 2015 Grey Goo offered an impressive looking traditional RTS that hit all the right marks. Considering I grew up on C&C it came as no surprise the ex-Westwood developers at Petroglyph were able to create an RTS I immediately liked. Grey Goo straddles the fence between old and new perfectly in terms of both its mechanics and presentation. This ensures it looks amazingly fresh yet feels so familiar. This re-release includes a bunch of extra content as part of the collectors edition including a poster, soundtrack and concept art.

Box Contents

Set in the distance future on a far off planet where humanity runs into trouble while exploring new frontiers. The clever twist is that the game opens with you playing as the alien race under attack from a mysterious invader. In fact there are three different factions all fighting each other, the Humans, the Alien Beta race and the Grey Goo. Each faction is further explored in more detail as the story unfolds.

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The campaign includes 15 missions, 5 for each faction. Each faction is very different in terms of the building mechanics, units available, vehicles and methods of attack. The humans are more technologically evolved than the alien race who prefer a more brute force approach. The Grey Goo faction however is very different from the other two. Rather than building a base and factory to create units your Mother Base or “Mother Goo” is a giant pile of Goo made up of millions of nanobots. It settles in a pond and starts to drain resources from around it. As it sucks up the resource it starts to spit out smaller globs of Goo, these can then be transformed into your units. The Goo is much more agile allowing you to climb up and over cliff faces and across areas that other units can’t access.

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Map design is fantastic, both visually and tactically, offering plenty to look at and ensuring danger lurks around every corner. On the easier difficulties my age old tactic of building an army capable of steam rolling across the map seem to do the trick. The key is getting the resource flowing and a defensive perimeter that can withstand long enough. However the higher level difficulties require much more in terms of forward thinking.

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Overall: A stunningly presented RTS that does a wonderful job of bringing old and new together. Traditional and new RTS fans will feel right at home. Grey Goo boasts a solid campaign and robust multiplayer that will ensure hours on enjoyable play time.

SCORE 4.5/5

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